Why Your Business Should Consider Used Warehouse Shelving Racks


In storage and warehouse facilities, racking systems allow managers to maximize vertical and horizontal space by stacking goods efficiently. A well-planned racking layout ensures consistency in picking, stacking, and organizing products, which boosts operational efficiency.

While pallet racking is versatile, purchasing new systems can be expensive, particularly if your budget is limited. A more affordable solution for many businesses is to invest in used warehouse shelving racks from MTS Racks. In many instances, used or refurbished shelving is in excellent condition and has been thoroughly tested to ensure it complies with OSHA safety standards.

New vs. Used Pallet Racks

Opting for new pallet racking provides the opportunity to design a storage solution tailored to your specific needs. Whether it’s creating additional mezzanine levels or integrating a unique racking design with material handling equipment, new pallet racking allows full customization. New systems also offer easier integration with warehouse management systems (WMS).

Many businesses, such as large department stores, use pallet racking for both storage and display purposes. While used racking may still have strong structural integrity after years of warehouse use, it can show signs of wear, such as dents and scratches. For businesses where industrial storage racks serve a visual function, new pallet racking systems are often the better choice.
That said, there are notable downsides to new equipment. Although new racking offers access to specific items and popular styles, it is typically more expensive than purchasing used racking.

For many businesses, used shelving and racking from MTS Racks is a cost-effective, practical, and sustainable solution. Here’s why:

Lower Initial Costs
Warehousing and inventory management represent significant expenses for businesses. It’s essential to find ways to reduce operational costs where possible. Choosing used pallet racking enables businesses to minimize their initial capital expenditure while maintaining cash flow for other crucial operations. This is especially important for startups or businesses undergoing expansion.

Quality and Standards
One concern for companies considering used pallet racks is whether the equipment will meet safety and durability standards. However, when purchasing from MTS Racks, businesses can rest assured that all used racking undergoes rigorous safety inspections, ensuring compliance with OSHA and other industry regulations.

Large Selection
Although new pallet racking can be custom-built to your specifications, manufacturing can take time. You may need to wait several weeks for production and installation. In contrast, there is a vast inventory of used pallet racking readily available. By partnering with MTS Racks, warehouse managers can choose from various styles, sizes, and configurations to meet their operational needs without delay.

Easy Installation
Custom-made new pallet racking systems can be complex and may require expert installation. Used pallet racking, on the other hand, is often available pre-assembled or partially assembled, saving time and money. This simplicity translates into improved productivity, as your team can get back to focusing on core business operations sooner.

A Temporary Solution
For businesses undergoing transition or transforming their warehouse layouts, used racking can serve as a temporary yet effective option. Instead of investing heavily in new systems, you can make use of affordable, high-quality used racking during periods of change.

Environmentally Friendly
Purchasing used racking extends the life of existing products, reducing waste and the demand for new resources. For businesses with sustainability goals, used warehouse shelving from MTS Racks helps meet environmental targets by lowering the carbon footprint associated with manufacturing new equipment.

Heavy duty industrial racks

Why Buy New When Refurbished Will Do?

If your business requires a specific type of shelving that isn’t available second-hand, you may need to combine new and used shelving solutions. Common used components available on the market include:
• Beams
• Uprights
• Wire decking
• Steel shelving
• Clips
• Row spacers
• Upright frames
• Cantilever racks
• Pallet supports
• Metal shelving
• Wire shelving
• Rivet shelving
• Push-back racks
• Column protectors

Types of Racking Systems

Below are some of the most popular types of racking systems available for warehouse storage:

Single-Deep Pallet Racks
Single-deep pallet racks consist of single bays accessible from both sides of the aisle. This system is ideal for small to medium-capacity facilities where space is tight and works well with medium-weight stock and palletized items.

Double-Deep Pallet Racks
Double-deep racks feature a second row of pallets, allowing for higher density storage. Though these systems reduce visibility compared to single-deep racks, they offer a more efficient use of space, especially for larger facilities.

Gravity-Flow Racks
Ideal for first-in, first-out (FIFO) operations, gravity-flow racks allow pallets to be loaded from the back and automatically moved forward for easy access. This system enhances efficiency, especially for warehouses that require frequent stock rotation.

Drive-Through Racks
Drive-through racks are designed with open bays for forklifts to easily access products from either side. This system speeds up the process of loading and unloading goods, increasing overall efficiency.

Other Types of Racking Systems
• Carton flow rack systems
• Ridg-U-Rak slotted systems
• Teardrop pallet rack systems
• Keystone-style pallet racking
• Selective pallet racking

Heavy duty industrial racks

How to Choose a Warehouse Shelving System

When selecting a shelving system, you need to assess your inventory and facility requirements. Depending on your business, you may need structural steel, wire decking, or other materials. Here are some important factors to consider:

• Assembly: If you’re purchasing used racks, ease of assembly is key. Modular systems with minimal installation requirements are preferable, particularly for businesses that need temporary storage solutions.
• Pricing: Consider your budget and determine whether a lower price still provides you with a racking system that meets your operational needs.
• Condition: Always inspect used racks for signs of damage that may affect load-bearing capacity. Check for dents, rust, or corrosion, which can impact the long-term durability of the system.

Partnering With a Reliable Provider

Whether you opt for new or used pallet racking, partnering with an experienced supplier like MTS Racks ensures you receive high-quality products designed to last. Contact MTS Racks today to speak with our design team about creating the ideal warehouse storage layout for your facility.

Used shelves and racks for sale


How much do pallet racks cost?
The price of used pallet racking depends on factors like the type of pallet rack, the number of uprights, beams, and decking you need, as well as the material. Typically, rolled steel is 5-10% cheaper than structural steel.

What is an R-Mark?
An R-Mark is a certification provided by the Rack Manufacturers Institute. It ensures that suppliers’ calculations, stress tests, and rack capacities meet current industry standards, guaranteeing the safety of your racking system.

What is the most popular type of used pallet racking?
Selective pallet racking is the most popular choice for many facilities because of its versatility. It allows easy access from both sides, making it suitable for both FIFO and LIFO operations.

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